Texas Tech University.

TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Institutional Research



Course Enrollment

Degrees / Certificates



Graduation Rates

New First-Year Student from High School

New Graduate Students

New Law Students

New Veterinary School Students

New Undergraduate Transfers

Retention Rates

Semester Credit Hours

Teaching Assistant(TA)/Graduate Part Time Instructor(GPT-I) By Department - Fall 2023
(TA/GPTI counts only includes those that are instructors of record.) 
AGColl of Ag Sci and Natl ResAAECAgric Appl Economics3
AGColl of Ag Sci and Natl ResAGCOAgric Education Comm3
AGColl of Ag Sci and Natl ResLARCLandscape Architecture2
AGColl of Ag Sci and Natl ResNRMNatural Resources Management3
AGColl of Ag Sci and Natl ResPSSPlant Soil Science9
ASColl of Arts and SciencesBIOLBiological Sciences75
ASColl of Arts and SciencesCHEMChemistry and Biochemistry74
ASColl of Arts and SciencesCMLLClassical Modern Langs Lit35
ASColl of Arts and SciencesECOEconomics8
ASColl of Arts and SciencesENGLEnglish70
ASColl of Arts and SciencesENTXEnvironmental Toxicology1
ASColl of Arts and SciencesGEOSGeosciences38
ASColl of Arts and SciencesHISTHistory8
ASColl of Arts and SciencesKINKinesiology and Sport Mgmt10
ASColl of Arts and SciencesMATHMathematics and Statistics57
ASColl of Arts and SciencesPHASPhysics and Astronomy41
ASColl of Arts and SciencesPOLSPolitical Science5
ASColl of Arts and SciencesPSYSPsychological Sciences48
BARawls Coll of Business AdminBABusiness Administration17
EDCollege of EducationEDUCEducation3
ENCollege of EngineeringCSComputer Science3
ENCollege of EngineeringENGREngineering2
ENCollege of EngineeringMEMechanical Engineering13
HSCollege of Human SciencesCFASCmty Family and Addiction22
HSCollege of Human SciencesDODDesign5
HSCollege of Human SciencesHDVFHuman Devl and Family Sciences2
HSCollege of Human SciencesHRMHospitality & Retailing Mgmt2
HSCollege of Human SciencesNSNutritional Sciences8
HSCollege of Human SciencesPFPPersonal Financial Planning2
MCColl of Media and CommunicatnADBSAdvertising & Brand Strategy1
MCColl of Media and CommunicatnCOMSCommunication Studies12
MCColl of Media and CommunicatnMCOMMedia and Communication24
UNOthersPROVProvost Office1
VPColl of Visual and Perf ArtsARTArt16
VPColl of Visual and Perf ArtsMUSIMusic43
VPColl of Visual and Perf ArtsTDTheatre and Dance17