AG | Coll of Ag Sci and Natl Res | AAEC | Agric Appl Economics | 3 |
AG | Coll of Ag Sci and Natl Res | AGCO | Agric Education Comm | 3 |
AG | Coll of Ag Sci and Natl Res | LARC | Landscape Architecture | 2 |
AG | Coll of Ag Sci and Natl Res | NRM | Natural Resources Management | 3 |
AG | Coll of Ag Sci and Natl Res | PSS | Plant Soil Science | 9 |
AS | Coll of Arts and Sciences | BIOL | Biological Sciences | 75 |
AS | Coll of Arts and Sciences | CHEM | Chemistry and Biochemistry | 74 |
AS | Coll of Arts and Sciences | CMLL | Classical Modern Langs Lit | 35 |
AS | Coll of Arts and Sciences | ECO | Economics | 8 |
AS | Coll of Arts and Sciences | ENGL | English | 70 |
AS | Coll of Arts and Sciences | ENTX | Environmental Toxicology | 1 |
AS | Coll of Arts and Sciences | GEOS | Geosciences | 38 |
AS | Coll of Arts and Sciences | HIST | History | 8 |
AS | Coll of Arts and Sciences | KIN | Kinesiology and Sport Mgmt | 10 |
AS | Coll of Arts and Sciences | MATH | Mathematics and Statistics | 57 |
AS | Coll of Arts and Sciences | PHAS | Physics and Astronomy | 41 |
AS | Coll of Arts and Sciences | POLS | Political Science | 5 |
AS | Coll of Arts and Sciences | PSYS | Psychological Sciences | 48 |
BA | Rawls Coll of Business Admin | BA | Business Administration | 17 |
ED | College of Education | EDUC | Education | 3 |
EN | College of Engineering | CS | Computer Science | 3 |
EN | College of Engineering | ENGR | Engineering | 2 |
EN | College of Engineering | ME | Mechanical Engineering | 13 |
HS | College of Human Sciences | CFAS | Cmty Family and Addiction | 22 |
HS | College of Human Sciences | DOD | Design | 5 |
HS | College of Human Sciences | HDVF | Human Devl and Family Sciences | 2 |
HS | College of Human Sciences | HRM | Hospitality & Retailing Mgmt | 2 |
HS | College of Human Sciences | NS | Nutritional Sciences | 8 |
HS | College of Human Sciences | PFP | Personal Financial Planning | 2 |
MC | Coll of Media and Communicatn | ADBS | Advertising & Brand Strategy | 1 |
MC | Coll of Media and Communicatn | COMS | Communication Studies | 12 |
MC | Coll of Media and Communicatn | MCOM | Media and Communication | 24 |
UN | Others | PROV | Provost Office | 1 |
VP | Coll of Visual and Perf Arts | ART | Art | 16 |
VP | Coll of Visual and Perf Arts | MUSI | Music | 43 |
VP | Coll of Visual and Perf Arts | TD | Theatre and Dance | 17 |
TOTAL | | | | 683 |